

Help Center

Welcome to the MyRIDI Help Center, your go-to destination for all your support needs. Whether you're a valued customer, provider, or a store/restaurant, we're here to ensure you receive the assistance you need in relation to our multi-service solution.

Logging in to the MyRIDI app is a breeze. Simply enter your social media details or provide your name, mobile number, and email address. This streamlined process ensures easy access to the app, allowing you to get started quickly.

Once you're in the app, you'll have access to a wide range of services. Select the service you need, provide your location details, and book the service. Our trusted providers will then deliver the service to your location within a short period of time.
Enjoy the convenience of receiving services right at your doorstep.

Your feedback matters to us. After using the app, customers, providers, and restaurants/stores have the opportunity to rate and review their experience. Your valuable input helps us understand your overall satisfaction and continually improve our services.

Experience the difference for yourself by downloading the MyRIDI app on your mobile phone today. Once you've tried it, we're confident that you'll be impressed with how seamlessly you can receive and offer services. Don't just take our word for it - see for yourself and join our growing community of satisfied users.

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